Our Associates have worked with educational institutions at the primary, secondary, and collegiate level. We also have experience with cultural institutions and specialized educational functions.
Developed a Competency Model for a Pennsylvania Liberal Arts/Engineering College
Brian assisted a Pennsylvania university to develop a behavioral competency model. He helped develop an assessment and facilitated a series of workshops with the client to identify the desired behaviors and competencies among university staff. The primary deliverable was a scaled competency model to be used for recruiting, staff development, and evaluation of performance.
Conducted Compensation Studies and Job Evaluations for a Philadelphia Museum, a Pennsylvania Public School District, an Academy of Fine Arts, and a Computer Training School
Brian has conducted a number of Compensation Studies and Job Evaluations for numerous industries. The more strategic engagements generally consisted of working with Human Resources and other executives to help them understand the components of total remuneration and make decisions about how they wanted to reward their staff in terms of internal pay equity, external competitiveness, and variable compensation programs. The more tactical engagements generally consisted of benchmarking analyses — presenting the clients with reports of how individual positions were being paid in the market and how they compared to other internal positions (the former usually based on scale of organization / title comparisons and the latter usually based on point-factor work complexity evaluations or other quantitative comparisons).
The Job Evaluation support consisted of structured interviews to fully understand positions and their role in the organizational process. In most cases, the positions were converted into a complexity model, to allow the position to be compared to and benchmarked against similar positions. Support around Job Evaluation often included the development of job or role descriptions, recommendations on appropriate compensation, and making staffing, retention, and succession recommendations for various positions.