Our Associates have consulted to a number of public service industries — some private and some with governmental affiliation. This work has been focused in process improvement, performance management, and compensation / job-design support.
Compensation Support for a Pennsylvania Transportation Commission
The Commission requested a study to evaluate the value and feasibility of implementing a pay-for-performance program for its workers. Brian took part in the study, interviewing and conducting focus groups with both managerial staff and organized labor. The research included job evaluation of both managerial and non-managerial positions, documentation of work flows, and external compensation benchmarking. The final report included several options for potential par-for-performance programs with analyses from different stakeholder perspectives.
Performance Management Training for a Chamber of Commerce
Brian assisted in developing and delivering a workshop for a Chamber of Commerce in Performance Management fundamentals.
Conducted Strategic Planning Sessions for a Massachusetts Town and Council of Mayors
Both clients requested facilitation support for large-group strategic planning sessions. In both cases, Brian supported as part of a team utilizing Future Search methodology. In each case, large groups (>50 people per session) comprised of different stakeholder groups were engaged and brought through the process of facilitated group-prioritization and consensus building.
Conducted Compensation Studies and Job Evaluations for a Philadelphia Utility Provider, an International Charity, a Philadelphia Transportation Authority, and a Pennsylvania Borough
Brian has conducted a number of Compensation Studies and Job Evaluations for numerous industries. The more strategic engagements generally consisted of working with Human Resources and other executives to help them understand the components of total remuneration and make decisions about how they wanted to reward their staff in terms of internal pay equity, external competitiveness, and variable compensation programs. The more tactical engagements generally consisted of benchmarking analyses — presenting the clients with reports of how individual positions were being paid in the market and how they compared to other internal positions (the former usually based on scale of organization / title comparisons and the latter usually based on point-factor work complexity evaluations or other quantitative comparisons).
The Job Evaluation support consisted of structured interviews to fully understand positions and their role in the organizational process. In most cases, the positions were converted into a complexity model, to allow the position to be compared to and benchmarked against similar positions. Support around Job Evaluation often included the development of job or role descriptions, recommendations on appropriate compensation, and making staffing, retention, and succession recommendations for various positions.