Our team views organizations as complex, interdependent systems. We have experience working with the different aspects of organizations to ensure they are aligned to mutually support each other. We also understand that changes in one part of a system may have unforeseen effects throughout the system. We offer support to our clients in assessing their current organization, culture, and alignment and provide methods to build these over time.
Is your organization not operating as efficiently as possible? Are your departments optimally organized and responsibilities clearly defined? Do your groups support each others’ and the company’s objectives, or are they forming competing “fiefdoms”? Do your leaders understand the difference between supervising, managing, and leading, and do they display the appropriate behaviors?
It is very unusual to find an organization that is operating optimally. A company is usually an extremely complex system — competing visions at different levels of the organization, different groups being rewarded for achieving competing or conflicting goals, leaders who may be experiencing interpersonal conflicts with each other (which may lead to conflicts between groups), and leaders who may be thrown into new positions without appropriate experiences, training, or support.
Our approach is to work with our clients to develop a benchmark assessment of the different dimensions of their business. Through interviews and observations, we can assess your current state, and then assist you in developing an organizational development plan and manage the complexities of the change process. We believe in healing the patient, and not focusing specifically on symptoms.
Organizational Design
The organizational structure can strongly influence efficiency of processes, creativity, and nimbleness of an organization. A sound structural and process design is critical for optimized performance, and will influence culture in respect to hierarchy, collaboration, decision making, and autonomy.
We work with your leadership teams to ensure there is consensus around the organizational objectives and to establish a structure and processes to achieve these goals and embody the organization’s values.
We have experience working with different levels of organizations to build cascading objectives and aligned processes throughout the organization that support the overall strategy. Our team can work with your staff to ensure they are aligned to pursue a common goal.
Performance Management
Often, when people discuss performance management, they primarily focus on metrics. However, a robust performance management system also includes aligning individual and group objectives with the overall strategy, training and development (both skills and competencies) of individuals and groups, career path development, mentorship, metrics, scorecards and dashboards, compensation strategy, and staffing decisions.
Have you defined what high performance means to your organization, from the perspective of both groups and individuals? Do you know what to measure and which behaviors and competencies to reward in order to move towards your goals? Do you know how to motivate the different members of your organization? Are goals and objectives mutually supporting, and do they cascade from the overall organizational mission and strategy?
We have built performance management systems for some of the leading organizations in different industries and understand how to identify performance levers and build high-performing workforces to achieve their targets.